Monday, May 4, 2009

PUMA's Field Report, 5/4

Back on the phones today!

It seems like it has been forever...I just haven't been able to pick up the phone. It's not approach anxiety--I'm not scared of the prospect. Perhaps, as Solid said, I'm afraid of making a mistake in how I play the game. But I think it's a combination of things. Lately, I have been so enamored with how wonderful my life is that I just don't want to do anything but sit around in a quasi-meditative state and soak it up. :o)

But today I woke up and got back to work. Here's what happened:

First, I received a phone call from one of my associates--someone who bought the first level product, but that's all. She informed me that she is excited, stepping up her game, and plans to bring me her two training sales ASAP--as well as buy her next level product this month.

Woo hoo! :o)

We had an interesting conversation--she asked me what was going on with me and, instead of covering it up, I was honest with her. I told her about my struggles with attraction, my counseling session, and my new lease on life. It was awesome.

Next I called all of my "super hot" leads--these are people who visited my website and actually filled out the form. I left a few messages and connected with one guy who didn't remember, but said he was willing to talk for four minutes.

My new script (a combination of Dani, "Didi", and Kim) says, "Now to save us both time, what I'd like to do is spend about 2 or 3 minutes to find out a little bit about you, then I'll spend about 2 or 3 minutes to fill you in on who we are and what we do. Does that sound fair?"

The guy said, "Yeah, sure."

So I said, "OK, tell me when you have a piece of paper and pen." He said, "I don't have a paper and pen." So I said, "OK, then go get one." Then without any pause he said, "OK, I have something to write on." (Though I felt like he was lying.)

So I started into my script. "So NAME, can you tell me a little bit about what you do for a living now and your past experience in the job arena?"

He interrupted me and said, "I don't have a job--I'm unemployed."

I said, "OK, so what about your past experience? What did you do before?"

He said, "Um...(very hesitant)...real estate."

I said, "OK, so what does that mean--you are a real estate agent?"

He said, " agent." (Again, sounded like he was lying.) Then he said, "So what is this all about? What do you do?"

So I said, "As I said in the beginning, I am going to ask you a few questions to find out about you, then I will tell you about who we are and what we do. So you are a real estate agent?"

He said, "Was--I was a real estate agent. So what is this? Why do you need to know all this?"

I explained again the purpose of the call, find out about you, you and I are going to work together--will we get along?, are you a good fit for the business?, don't want to waste either of our time, etc.

Then I said, "It doesn't sound like we got off on the right foot."

He said, "No," and hung up.

Sheesh! This guy was on MY website requesting information from ME. It's not like I just called him out of the blue! Oh!

That was my last "super hot," so I moved on to the less hot. I had a choice to call the TVOs (telephone verified) or to call the people who had actually visited my website (via a link in an email), but had not filled out the form.

I chose the latter and called a guy who had been on my website just a few hours earlier.

This guy DENIED that he had ever been on my website and denied that he had opened or even received an email (which he said "would have gone in the spam folder anyway, which is where it belongs"). Good grief! So I said, "Are you telling me that you have never requested information about starting your business?" He said, "That's right." So I verified his information and said, "OK, sorry for the confusion."

I followed it up with an email, but I don't know. I don't really understand how that kind of thing can happen. Are they lying? I don't know.

Perhaps these are just our version of "shit tests" and we need to figure out how to deal with them. Hmm...

That's it for now.