Sunday, May 3, 2009

Notes from Mystery's UStream, Part 1

Yesterday I received an email that Mystery was going to be doing a live UStream tonight, so I made it a point to tune in. It lasted about two hours, which was largely a waste of time (because I knew so much of what he was saying and because he was answering PUA specific questions from the guys on the live chat), but there were a few nuggets that were applicable to the PUMA Project, so I thought I would take a minute to jot them down here:

  • Fifth Attraction Switch

  • Solid and I have talked extensively on our call about Mystery's four attraction switches. See the original video we discussed at length here.

    Tonight, however, he added a fifth one: "Successful risk taker." This is something that the leaders in network marketing have talked about repeatedly as well--taking action to demonstrate that you are the leader, that you make big decisions, that you take risks...just like you are expecting your prospect to do.

  • Being a "Nice" Guy

  • Someone asked how they could remain being "a nice guy" while still using Mystery's techniques. Mystery (and Lovedrop, who was also there) talked a bit about the definition of a "nice" guy. Mystery said, "I'm a good guy, but I wouldn't necessarily call myself a nice guy." Then Lovedrop said, "Yea, I would never call myself a nice guy--too many bad connotations."

    They batted around the idea for awhile and realized that the person who asked the question was referring to the negs and IODs that Mystery teaches as a way to begin an interraction. Mystery replied by saying something profound. He said, "Speaking nicely is opening in comfort--not opening in attraction."

    Let me repeat that: Speaking nicely is opening in comfort--not opening in attraction.

    This really resonated with me because, as I have been telling Solid, I have discovered that I have a real problem with this--going straight for comfort without building the attraction. And it brings up the scam guard in prospects--"Why is she being so nice to me? I haven't done or said anything to deserve it, so she must want something from me."

    Good stuff.

  • Handling "Shit" Tests

  • NOTE: Please excuse my language in this section!

    According to the glossary at, a shit test is "when a chick does or says something which is meant to judge the reaction or response from a male, whether the test is done consciously or unconsciously."

    So basically, they are testing your salt--checking you for congruence: "Are you for real or are you full of shit?" In fact, I got a great email from the StyleLife team the other day with a detailed field report about overcoming shit tests. You can read it here, but be forewarned that it contains some very graphic language:

    Anyway, it was a good reminder that that's all prospects are doing when they say something that seems rude or like they are trying to take control.

    However, Mystery shed new light on it tonight when he pointed out that by not responding to the shit test, you are actually demonstrating one of the attraction switches: protector of loved ones.

    Here's how he put it: "How can you protect her from the shit other people throw at her, if you can't protect yourself from her shit?"


  • Systematically Upload DHV Spikes Into the Target's Head

  • This is a phrase that Mystery said repeatedly throughout the night. I love the notion of systematically doing this. This is why I love Mystery. So precise and scientific!

  • Warming Up

  • One of the most valuable tidbits I got from the evening was the concept of warming up.

    They were talking about how Mystery is now using music in his personal technique and somehow he got on this subject. He said, "You know, I don't play as well when I first pick up the guitar--just like any instrument or sport, you have to warm up. The same is true for pickup. When you first go out or you first go into a club, you're just warming up--it's later in the evening when you really get good."

    This was really powerful for me as I thought about picking up the phone. When I only have a couple leads to call, and when it has been a few days since I have made calls, I am rusty. And because I'm rusty, I feel like I'm not any good. Really, though, I just haven't loosened up.

    This is another reason why it is so important to have lead abundance--so you can use the first few leads to get the kinks out of your system and get in flow.

    Thank you, Mystery! :o)

    OK, that's all I have time for now. Will post the rest later. Check back!