Thursday, January 15, 2009

More notes...

I am working on developing the PUMA terminology--what is analogous to the PUA terms, etc.--and am planning on putting a full list here.  Here's just a few to get started:

PUA  (pick up artist) -->  PUMA (pick up money artist)
Laid --> Paid (thanks, Solid!)
AFC (average frustrated chump) -->  BFC (broke frustrated chump)
Sex/Seduction -->  Sale
ASD (anti-slut defense) -->  ASD (anti-scam defense)
HB (hot babe) -->  HP (hot prospect)
F Close (f#$@ close, or full close) -->  Full Close (sale at highest level--with the highest commission)
3-Way (having 3 sexual partners at one time, usually 2 girls and 1 guy) -->  3-Way (bringing in a wing to DHV you, answer questions from the prospect, and handle LMB)

Other notes:

Never tell a prospect your accomplishments directly--embed them in stories (more on this in another post).  Only your wing should tell the prospect how great you are, otherwise it will sound like you're bragging and trying too hard.

You test the prospect for compliance.  The prospect tests you for congruence.  (More on this in another post.)

Never answer a question from a prospect first--it lowers your value and weakens your frame because it means you jumped through their hoop.  Answer a question with a question, so the prospect jumps through your hoop first--it shows who's in control.  After they have jumped through your hoop, go ahead and answer the question--you don't want to come across rude and conceited.  Here are some examples:

Prospect:  Is this sales/MLM?
You:  Is that what you're looking for?

Prospect:  How much money have you made?
You:  How much money do I need to make in order for you to be successful?

Prospect:  How much is this going to cost/do I have to pay anything?
You:  Is that how you're going to make your decision?

BTW, many network marketing trainers teach to ask these same questions, but they phrase it as "qualifying the question," i.e. your frame is that you don't understand what exactly they are asking or why they are asking it.  I prefer Mystery's take on it:  Who's in control here?

That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

Perfect! This is exactly the kind of post I like to see PUMA! I can see the correlation between the PUA and network marketing and you even included vewry specific examples of how to implement the ideas into our everyday conversation - I love it!