Monday, January 26, 2009

StyleLife Challenge Day 1

From Rules of the Game:  Master the Game in 30 Days by Neil Strauss.

Mission 1:  Evaluate Yourself

1.  Write one or two sentences describing how you believe other people currently perceive you.

Bossy.  Intimidating.  Focussed.  Strong. 

2.  Write one or two sentences describing how you'd like to be perceived by others.

Magnetic.  Charismatic.  Inviting.  Fun. Friendly.

3.  List three of your behaviors or characteristics that you would like to change.

1.  I would like to have lots of energy, rather than feeling tired and using it as an excuse.

2.  I would like to be more focussed in my business and make it a top priority, rather than putting it off and letting things get in the way.

3.  I would like to be less serious and have more fun. 

4.  List three new behaviors or characteristics you would like to adopt.

1.  I would like to get up early and easily.

2.  I would like to be swimming in money.

3.  I would like a killer bod.

Mission 2:  Read and Destroy

Read article on limiting beliefs.  Done.

Mission 3:  Operation Small Talk

Make small talk with five strangers today.  Will have to do this tomorrow, as I'm not going out today. -->  Correction!  Just received a call from a telemarketer.  One down, four to go!