Tuesday, January 27, 2009

StyleLife Challege Day 2

From Rules of the Game: Master the Game in 30 Days by Neil Strauss.

Mission 1: Set Your Goals

1. What three accomplishments would you like to achieve to make you happier?

  1. Become a master PUMA!
  2. Have $2 million in investments.
  3. Remodel my house until it is the house of my dreams.
  4. (extra!) Create a space for positive, uplifting, inspiring live theater.
2. What are the reasons these accomplishments will make you happier?
  1. Because I will have figured it out--put together the pieces of the puzzle and developed a skill that I can use to enrich my life and teach to others so they can do the same.
  2. So that I can relax, live off of the interest, and never "work" another day if I don't want to
  3. Because my home is a reflection of my soul. When my house is out of order or imperfect, I feel out of order and imperfect.
  4. Theatre has had a major impact on my life--it has given me space to dream and helped me believe that I could accomplish anything. And yet, so much of theatre is dark, depressing, and comes from a place of angst. As more and more of our lives become cold, digital and distant in our society, I believe that live, visceral theatre will become more and more meaningful and impactful--something that can, and should, be harnessed for good.
3. What is your personal mission?

I will become a master "pick up money artist" (my role, maximum four words) who will easily, repeatedly attract money (my claim to fame, maximum four words) within 60 (number) days/weeks/years.

4. List three specific results that will let you know that you've accomplished your mission. (For example, "I will have earned $200,000," "I will have lost thirty pounds," or "I will have won five Academy Awards.")

1. I will have made (action verb) $50,000 (number) dollars (aspect).
2. I will have signed up (action verb) 3 (number) top level associates (aspect).
3. I will have been on the leader board (action verb) 2 (number) times (aspect).

5. Why are you now fully committed to pursuing your personal mission?

Because if I don't pursue it now, I will continue to suffer over the next years and
  • my bank account (element/quality of life) will decrease/get worse/fail.
  • my credit rating (element/quality of life) will decrease/get worse/fail.
  • my reputation (element/quality of life) will decrease/get worse/fail.

But if I do purse it now, I will enjoy the next years and

  • my stress level (element/quality of life) will increase/improve/come true.
  • my marriage & family (element/quality of life) will increase/improve/come true.
  • my zest for life (element/quality of life) will increase/improve/come true.

Mission 2: Look into Your Eyes

Listen to audio. Done. Interesting. Need to do it again after reviewing exercise above. Also need to do it in a place more conducive to NLP.

Mission 3: Look into Their Eyes

Make small talk with 5 strangers and look into their eyes. Write down their eye color.

I made it my goal to do this with 9 people today (since I still had 4 left from yesterday). Here are the results:

  1. Guy held the door open for me at the bank. He said something first. I didn't see his eyes (but I know from his ethnicity that they were brown).
  2. Guy in the lobby of the bank. Smiled and tried to catch his eye so I could say hi. Didn't look up.
  3. Man on his way to the bathroom. Said hello. Blue.
  4. Woman in the lobby of the bank. Said hello. Too far away to see her eyes.
  5. Teller at the bank. Brown.
  6. Receptionist at the bank. Brown.
  7. Cashier at the grocery store. Brown.
  8. Grocery helper. Caught his eye and smiled as I pulled the car up to the curb, but did not make eye contact (or small talk) when he was loading the groceries. Brown.
  9. Supply store cashier. Small talk with a joke. Dang, forgot to look in her eyes.
  10. Woman who offered me her cart. Didn't see her eyes.
  11. Guy who wanted me to enter a drawing. He initiated the conversation. Didn't look in his eyes, but I know they were brown.
  12. Store cashier. Brown.
  13. Post office worker. Made her smile by commenting on her nails. Brown.
  14. Post office supervisor. Blue.

I never realized how little I actually look in people's eyes. I really had to consciously choose to do it, and often forgot. Also, it would have been really easy to cheat with this exercise because it is so easy to guess eye color from certain ethnicities, but I didn't.

Mission 4: Hint for Tomorrow

Read tomorrow's exercise the moment you wake up. Will do.