Friday, March 6, 2009

5 Tips for Personal Transformation

As part of the StyleLife Challenge, I occasionally get emails from someone called "The Sneak"--a master PUA on Style's team. Today's email was particularly good and applicable to network marketing, so I thought I would post it here. No translation necessary, but I will say this: How would sales increase if we were to get in that head space where we "glow like we have a new haircut"?

5 Tips for Personal Transformation
by The Sneak

"Something is different about you," she said while peering at me with a quizzed look in her eye. She continued "It's that fresh look, like when you notice somebody got a haircut, but that can't be it, because your hair is the same as always. Maybe you grew taller. Wait, that doesn't make sense."

She couldn't put her finger on it, because "it" was so much more than a simple hair cut. She had witnessed me go from the busboy that silently cleaned the tables to the top server in the place who was making hundreds in cash tips a day and was secretly dating the hot manager after work.

That sounds like bragging, but sometimes the truth does. When I had moved to the city I was lost and lonely. I didn't have any friends, and I had no clue how to make any. Those days were behind me.

"Who was that girl I saw heading out on my way upstairs? I'm getting worried about you - always a new girl. You aren't turning into some kind of womanizer are you?"

A smirk crossed my face, "I love women. You know that, but no. I'm certainly not a womanizer."

"You've been working out. Is that it? Have you been working out?"

It was her closest guess yet. I had been working out, in a sense. Not lifting weights, but working every aspect of my life. I had been since I met Style months ago.

And apparently, by this point, I seemed to be shining with an inner confidence that bestowed me with the energy of a permanently fresh haircut. And the best part about this was that the improvement techniques I was using were freely available to anyone who wanted them.

You don't have to be born with any specific talent, but you must be prepared to work to rise to the top of your personal capabilities. Here are 5 tips to get you started:

TIP #1: Embrace the Pain

The superstar is vulnerable. Your mind, body, and emotions will all be exposed in this process. There will be bumps and bruises along the way but in the end you will heal and be stronger. It is ok to fear this pain, but you must be ready to push past it and continue on. The superstar does not quit.

To quote Style, who was quoting Arnold Schwarzenegger, "The last three or four reps is what makes the muscles grow. This area of pain divides a champion from someone who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens."

Make the personal vow to embrace that pain right now and you will be one step closer to superstardom.

TIP #2: Take Off the Lid

The vast majority of limitations are self-imposed. Carefully monitor your own thoughts. When your inner voice mentions a limitation, acknowledge that this is likely a self-imposed ceiling. As you will see in time, once you stop questioning what you can and cannot achieve, you will frequently find yourself performing feats that before you didn't even think possible.

Start monitoring your limiting beliefs today and begin to see what you are really capable of.

TIP #3: Understand that Obstacles are Part of the Journey

Nobody gets a smooth ride. Every now and then we all face challenges, and we all hit walls. While facing death, Professor Randy Pausch explained in his now famous last lecture that those walls are there for a specific purpose.

They are made to keep all of those who don't want it badly enough OUT. You however are the exception. You will find a way to continue forward and make it past that wall.

TIP #4: Be a Beginner and Be an Expert

Always be humble, you are never too advanced to learn something new. Always be confident, know you are worthy of even the highest level of secret information.

When working at developing any skill, bear in mind you're never above the fundamentals, yet keep your ears perked for expert level tips as well. Keep an open mind and be ready to learn at every opportunity.

Tip #5: Dream BIG

Yes, setting reasonable goals for yourself that you know you can achieve and incrementing those goals into small chunks. That is important for the average person...BUT the superstar must strike the perfect balance. Remember today's second tip, you cannot limit yourself.

Take a moment and ask yourself "What did I want to be when I grew up?" Did you answer an astronaut or professional sports player? You need to reactivate the dreamer part of your personality.

Ask yourself, what are your dreams NOW...because you must have those dreams to bring them into reality. And you can. And you will.