Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Solid's Field Report -2/9

NOTE:  Solid doesn't have the ability to update the blog yet, so I'm just posting what I got in an email.

3 leads today:

1 – disqualified – just looking for a job, just curious

2- left message

3 – asked questions, looking to go from 10k per year to 7 figures, negged her about how that could be possible, said it’s her time.  told her I sift and sort (not everyone is cut out to make that jump) and asked for 3 quailifying characteristics – she has a degree in economics, so I talked about the secret being a market indicator, etc. booked her to a call tonight and told her to call me back after 5 tomorrow (busy day)  so I’ll keep you posted.  *I think she did a good job of qualifying herself, but I never did get her to say “exactly” ;(

Sounds like Solid had a great Attraction phase, but I wondered about the Bonding phase.  Here's the reply I got:

I didn't do very well with the bonding/ connecting phase.  I forgot to give
my feedback in her words.  I re-interpreted based on my own experiences,
judgements, prejudices and thoughts (which is a huge no-no according to
Michael Oliver)  I've got to quit using my own phrases, and feed their words
back to them verbatim

Still, Solid called me last night to say that this prospect HAD called back and DID commit to getting started.  Right on!  Solid's first sign up using the method...