Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Field Report 2/6

Please note that I am now using the following abbreviations for the prospecting phases, similar to but different from the PUA equivalent. I am calling this ABC Prospecting:

A - AttractB - BondC - Close
A1 - AdvertisingB1 - ComfortC1 - Sales Presentation
A2 - SortingB2 - ConnectionC2 - Objections/Resistance
A3 - QualifyingB3 - IntimacyC3 - Payment

Ran my advertising and had 3 voicemails to return.

M. from Tennessee
Went through all of the phases like clockwork and we seemed to get along, but when we got to B3, I told her the Rage to Master story and asked, "So, M., really the only question that matters is, do you have the Rage to Master?" She answered, "Well..." and then went on to describe how she was old and she didn't really want to work that hard.  I was so excited!!!!!  I was thrilled to have this "magic" way to disqualify someone!  Now I didn't have schedule her to the call, be on the call, follow up with her, and waste my time and energy hoping she'll get started.  I have never been so excited to get a "no"!  Wow.  What a great tool.

A. from New York
This guy and I hit it off really well.  We went through the whole process exactly as designed, and when I told him the Rage to Master story, he answered with a resounding "YES!"  What a difference from M!  So I scheduled him to the call--it's interesting to note that he resisted getting the information from someone else.  I think the method worked a little too well and he developed a little crush on me.  More evidence of that later.  Anyway, I followed up with him after the call.  Unfortunately, he didn't seem to "get it."  Perhaps because he was not a native English speaker?  Also, when we were talking it was right before the top of the hour (when the call started), so I didn't have a chance to frame him by telling him to "listen for"--will be sure to do that next time.  Anyway, I tried to do a 3-way with Solid, but got voicemail.  Again, when I mentioned to A. that I was bringing in someone else, he asked why I couldn't just answer his question--another indicator that he was a kind of stuck on me.  Sure, I have gotten this from prospects in the past, but I just had this vibe from A--you'll see why in a minute.  So I told A. that I thought he was confused and didn't understand the opportunity (otherwise he would jump at it--wouldn't anyone?) and suggested he visit my website to learn more (was also able to DHV by mentioning that I am in one of the company videos) and I said I would call him on Monday.  So Monday comes and I call him.  I had been thinking that the best way to deal with this guy is to use the takeaway--to see if he would argue and qualify himself.  So, when we talk, we chat for awhile and then I say, "You know, A., I was thinking about you over the weekend, and I, you know, I just don't think you would be a good fit for this business."  AND HE AGREED!  Interesting...we talked more and it turns out that he's into all these other deals and he has all these ideas--and I realize that he's just not that focussed.  He doesn't, in fact, have the Rage.  If he did, he would focus on one thing and not stop until he had mastered it.  When I called him on this, he whined about how I didn't understand what it was like to be an immigrant, how citizens have all these benefits that they don't, etc., etc.  Excuses, excuses.  Solid quoted someone to me the other day who said, "If you need an excuse, any one will do."

The good news is that since this guy is so in love with me, he is researching all about me and bought a copy of my book.  So...I was able to monetize him a little.  And he wants to remain in contact.  So there is still hope.

Irish from ?
Left message by mistake.  Not interested.