Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Quotes from Paul Janka

I haven't read Paul Janka's book yet, but I found a few articles by him and love these two quotes:

Never let one bitchy or unresponsive girl get to you or affect your outlook.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a cool response or flat rejection from a girl only to approach another girl 2 minutes later and hit it off, and be in the back of a cab getting head 15 minutes later. That’s the beauty of being a man – you can always walk away from a situation that has bad energy. My friend says the single most powerful word in the English language for a man is “Next!”

One of the key characteristics of an effective hustler, and I see it in my friends who play the game the best, is an ability to walk away from a negative situation immediately and brush it off, preparing for the next opportunity.

Something we hear all the time, too!

Here's another good one:

There are 3 types of girls around: yes, no and maybe girls

Again, the effective hustlers know how to judge the three types and work accordingly. All guys know the “no” girls. They are sticks in the mud, stand-offish, difficult, Princesses. Any guy who has been laid several times knows this type of girl. He probably has a gut instinct that she’s going to be hard to get in the sack. “Yes” girls, by contrast, are flirty, fun, open with body language and game for anything. They allow you to ask them back to your place with ease. The problems are the “maybe” girls, especially if they are hot.

Even after years of practice, I still can get stuck on these types, but as soon as I recognize the direction we’re going I can make the call. The “maybe” girls are where most guys get hung up spending all their money and time, thinking that they will get her. Careful, gentlemen, you are dealing with pros. Even other women will admit how manipulative a woman can be. Don’t assume you’ll wear here down or trick her. It’s better to walk then to throw more energy at these problem girls.

Ah yes. The maybes. The ones that we feel will pay us, get started, etc. "If only..." We spend soooo much energy and time on them. But Paul's right--and he echoes the leaders, too: SWSWSWN -- "Some Will, Some Won't, Someone's Waiting...Next!"

On our wakeup call this morning the leader was saying (and of course we have heard this before) that our job is just to sort, sort, sort. And that's all. And Dani, of course, has said, "You're not looking for people who are interested--you're looking for people who are qualified."

And, as Solid and I have discovered, the ONLY thing that qualifies someone is the Rage to Master.

Here, by the way, is the link to Paul's article in its entirety:


Cuisine said...

Janka has a lot of good concepts to teach - things I was already doing but hadn't broken down like "movie trailers" and "pipelining."

I have a problem with how far he takes things, such as making pretend he is drinking alcohol while giving girls alcohol, and the extend to which he pipelines (to which individual women no longer matter).

In essence...he IS a hustler and he reminds me of PUAs I know whose identity actually is "seducer." That is fine, but it isn't my path. Still, there is a lot to learn from Janka.

BTW, he has DVDs as well.
